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Scythian                Deutsh









Documents for Developers


1.1 Instructions for translators

2. Testing results

2.1 Testing result - speed of operations in varios OS for SHA256 and Blowfish cipher

  • Target file - 150 Mbyte ("A"-byte) - time in mls, platform: Pentium III-450, 256 Mbyte RAM, HDD - Quntum Fireball CX10.2A 8G

2.2 Testing result - speed of operations in varios mode for AES and Blowfish chipher

  • Target file - 100 Mbyte ("A"-byte) - time in mls, platform - "TIGER"

3. Tools, accessible to a BetaTeam (by inquiry)
  • File Generator - tools for test file generation; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • Blowfish Multitest - tools for detailed testing cipher-algorithm; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • AES Multitest - tools for detailed testing cipher-algorithm; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • Blowfish test - tools for time-testing cipher-algorithm; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • SHA256 - tools for time-testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • SHA1 - tools for time-testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • APG-Analyzer - tools for frequency analysis; binary - only for main developers (Screenshot)
  • Compare lrotl() and shift() - small size module for algorithm testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • Compare lrotX() and asssembler RoX() - small size module for algorithm testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • Load32 and Unload32 - small size module for algorithm testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • Assembler and shift test - small size module for algorithm testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)
  • ROR function - small size module for algorithm testing; source code and binary (Screenshot)



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